Thank you for partnering with me! You can pay for coaching or speaking engagements as well as send in a donation! I would like to change the world, one story at a time!
The Venmo option uses a smart phone to complete the checkout. You will need to scan the QR code and then use your Venmo app to authorize and complete the payment.
The process is as follows for Desktops and Tablets:
Click the Venmo button on the desktop to generate the QR code. Then scan the QR code from the Venmo app on a mobile device.
Then complete the payment review on the Venmo app.
Once payment is complete you will be routed back to your form to complete the payment.
Requirements for mobile phone for checkout. Venmo app must be installed on your mobile device.
Android Smart Phone
Alll you need is for the Venmo app to be installed on the your mobile phone.
Apple iPhone
Safari should be checked from “Connected Browsers” on Venmo app in the buying section setting.
Top seller in 4 categories! Including #1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases!’
Exciting News!
Great news! Beth is partnering with Christian Broadcasting Network. Please listen to Beth in the video below. She will to be on once a month starting in June 2022. You will be able to see the episodes by selecting the button below then on the blog page select “Christian Broadcast Network” link in the sidebar..